
Liar's Poker

앤드류아빠 2010. 3. 23. 10:12

One day, the chairman of Saloman Brothers, John Gutfreund, challenged the firm's star bond trader and future founder of the doomed hedge fund Long Term Capital Management, John Meriwether, to play a million dollar hand of Liar's Poker. Meriwether shot back, " If we're going to play for those kind of numbers, I'd rather play for real money. Ten million dollars. No tears." Gutfreund's response as he backed away from Meriwether's bluff, "You're crazy."

- <Liar's Poker> by Michael Lewis

Liar's Poker : A game that combines statistical reasoning with bluffing, and is played with the eight-digit serial number on a US dollar bill. Presumed to be invented by the bond traders at Saloman Brothers in the 1980's and became vastly populated on all trading floors in Wall Street, reflecting its indoctrinating money culture of gambling on virtually every perceivable thing on earth and its incredible lust for money in any method.